Event Speakers



It is an annual conference hosted by Naseeha Mental Health focusing on educating the attendees about the pertaining Mental Health issues in our community. The Retreat is structured to include topics that are beneficial for the teachers, not just in their professional fields but also in their personal lives. Mental Health is for everyone and at Naseeha we take it very seriously.

What is Naseeha’s

Educators’ Retreat?

Want to know the topics and presenters for Naseeha’s Educators’ Retreat 2024? It is coming soon!

We're excited to see you there!

We're excited to see you there!

Who should attend

Naseeha’s Educators’ Retreat?

Whether you're an educator, parent, school counselor, social worker, an Imam or simply passionate about mental health, THIS IS FOR YOU!

Why should attend

Naseeha’s Educators’ Retreat?

• Gather important information about Mental health issues.

• Network with like-minded individuals

• Learn from the experiences of others to enrich your understanding

• Enjoy a day of healthy conversations, food, and unwinding at a luxury hotel.


Breakout room topic 1

Islamic Schools: Mental Health Support Framework


In this session, we will examine the strategies and approaches employed by Islamic school leaders across Ontario to promote student mental health. Topics will include counseling services, educational programs on mental health awareness, integration of Islamic teachings that foster well-being, and collaborations with external resources to create a supportive environment for students' holistic development.

Presented By: Khalid Mahamad

Breakout room topic 2

Capacity building for teachers: burnout and resilience


In this workshop, we will explore recognizing and managing burnout, incorporating self-care and time management practices, fostering a supportive school environment, and implementing wellness programs. Emphasis will be on practical strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and building resilience through professional development and community support.

Presented By: Wajiha Jamali

Breakout room topic 3

Capacity building for teachers: burnout and resilience


Youth face increasing challenges, leading to burnout. This session equips educators with tools to foster student confidence and resilience. By understanding the psychology of burnout and resilience, educators will learn practical strategies to help students manage stress, regulate emotions, and build self-care habits. This session aims to create a supportive classroom environment where students can thrive.

Presented By: Marwa Mahmood

Breakout room topic 4

Transforming vicarious traum into vicarious resilience


Helping professionals often experience vicarious trauma while working with clients who have suffered trauma. However, this can also lead to vicarious resilience. This presentation explores both, offering strategies to manage vicarious trauma and build resilience. Participants will learn practical tools to thrive in their demanding work and continue their mission with renewed purpose.

Presented By: Marwa Mahmood


Oakville Conference

& Banquet Centre
