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Our Foundation Partner Initiative

What makes our initiative unique is the fact that we dig deep in issues within the domestic landscape that no one else wants to talk about. Taboo issues with the cultural fabric has been tough to iron out for decades, and now that mental health is bring brought up in a public light, many are now opening up about their experiences.
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Being muslim and an immigrant brings many badges for some, and for most, are afraid the backlash it may tag along.Communities needs to be more stronger, and what way in making sure we have the leaders within the community do something about it, is simply getting their Masajid to also join in on the mental health landscape. Having them support Naseeha financially to sustain and grow our services take car of just that. Having their jammat know that funds are being allocated in mental health, is a breath of fresh air for many.
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Not only does it show that funds are staying domestic but our services also reached out to them so they become the beneficiary of this donation.

What a Foundation Partner Collaboration means…

  • Marketing resources and posters given to the mosque so that everyone is aware of Naseeha and the services we provide.
  • Stats are given quarterly to the Imam, along with talking points and resources, to be included in their khutbahs and halaqah’s
  • Workshops are delivered quarterly to their community within the mosque facility with various mental health topics
  • On-site counselling to be available so that mosques can sign up members within the community to confidentially consult with a certified counsellor

Our aim is to work with masajids across the continent so that we gain the credibility of their community at large, but work with them individually at the same time. By working together, not only we create conversations, but we can grow with succession in making sure that we always offer top grade training within our organization and to the Imams, who are the face of the mosque, but at times, are not well-equipped. Naming if after our first mosque that supported this initiative, Islamic Foundation of Toronto, really started our confidence that this work swell needed, and that we need to gain the support we deserve. Naseeha’s goal is to change that and make them feel that they are never alone.If your mosque is interested in being a Foundation Partner, please contact us.
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